BootbaseVersion: VTC_SPI1.26 | 2012/12/2616:00:00 RAM: Size= 8192 Kbytes Found SPIFlash 2MiB Winbond W25Q16 at 0xbfc00000 SPI FlashQuad Enable Turn offQuad Mode RASVersion: 1.0.0 Build 121121 Rel.08870 System ID: $ | 2012/05/18 Press anykey to enter debug mode within 3 seconds. ....... EnterDebug Mode
EnterDebug Mode athe =======Debug Command Listing ======= AT just answer OK ATHE print help ATBAx change baudrate. 1:38.4k, 2:19.2k,3:9.6k 4:57.6k 5:115.2k ATENx,(y) set BootExtension Debug Flag (y=password) ATSE show the seed of password generator ATTI(h,m,s) change system time to hour:min:sec or showcurrent time ATDA(y,m,d) change system date to year/month/day or showcurrent date ATDS dump RAS stack ATDT dump Boot Module Common Area ATDUx,y dump memory contents from address x forlength y ATRBx display the 8-bit value of address x ATRWx display the 16-bit value of address x ATRLx display the 32-bit value of address x ATGO(x) run program at addr x or boot router ATGR boot router ATGT run Hardware Test Program ATRTw,x,y(,z)RAM test level w, from address x to y (z iterations) ATSH dump manufacturer related data in ROM ATDOx,y download from address x for length y toPC via XMODEM ATTD download router configuration to PCvia XMODEM ATUR upload router firmware to flash ROM < pressany key to continue >
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