ServerPVE: Disables PVP, you are not able to kill other players.
ServerHardcore: When you die, your character is wiped to level 1.
ServerCrosshair: Turns on a crosshair.
ServerForceNoHUD: Disables the floating names.
AltSaveDirectoryName: Saves server data to an alternate directory.
GlobalVoiceChat: Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other.
ProximityChat: Text chat only appears to people that are close to one another.
NoTributeDownloads: Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos.
AllowThirdPersonPlayer: Enables 3rd person mode (needs testing)
AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: Displays message when someone leaves the server.
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: Disables message when someone joins the server.
MapPlayerLocation: Shows your location on the map.
DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x3 harder and more loot.
按TAB進入服務器控制臺,然后輸入 enablecheats
enablecheats pass123
Accessing Server Console & Logging In As AdminTo access the server console press tab and type in enablecheats
enablecheats pass123
Can't open console? Check your keybinding in the game options, it should be default set to Tab
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